Friday, June 11, 2010

Proud to announce....

that Jordan is potty-trained!!! I started getting him used to the potty a couple months ago, but didn't commit to "training" him until just a few weeks ago. I decided to go out and buy the potty that plays music everytime you go. Jordan thought that was pretty neat. Every time he peed and that music started playing, he got the biggest and proudest smile across his face. It was so funny. I also rewarded him with an m&m whenever he went potty, and trust me, he never lets me forget that I owe him that m&m:) Most times he hasn't even finished peeing and he's saying "I get m&m!!" I think it only took one full day of potty bootcamp:) for him to catch on to it. After that first day, he started telling me whenever he had to go potty and now, many times he'll go all on his own. Up until today, he wouldn't poop on the potty, only in his diaper (usually during naptime) or occasionally he would have accidents in his undies. However, this evening I ran to Target by myself for an hour and when I got home, Jordan came running to the door saying, "Momma, I went poo-poo in the potty!! Come look!" I never thought I could get so excited about seeing poop! Definitely the highlight of the week:)

One day he's going to kill me for this, but I couldn't resist!


Alison said...

The picture's are to cute!!!

rebeccavalentine said...

yeahh!!! funny how excited you get to see that, huh? how's emmy?

Great Gram said...


Mrs. Malloch said...

Ha! I love the last picture!

Unknown said...

that is stinkin adorable! AND SO GOOD FOR HIM! WOW!!!!! CONGRATS! :)