Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Iris at 10 1/2 months old

It seems impossible to think Iris will be a year old soon. This past year has gone by so fast and I get incredibly sad thinking about it. Anyways, I thought it was time to give an update on our little here it is.
*Iris is not what I would call "laid-back". This little girl is always on the go. She will not stay in her stroller when we're out and about. Every time I turn around to look at her, she has wiggled her way out of her seatbelt and is standing up. She is rarely content being carried in my arms through a store...she squirms every which way, trying desperately to escape. Put those two things together and you might realize how impossible it is to have a relaxed outing with my energetic 10 month old.
*Iris now eats just about everything we eat. A few of her favorite foods seem to be eggs, toast, bananas, and yogurt.
*Since I last posted, 4 more teeth have popped through, giving her a grand total of 8 teeth!! Is it just me or does that seem like a lot of teeth for a baby under 1??
*Cruising along furniture is a new favorite hobby. Iris likes to stand more than she sits. She has started to take steps while holding onto my fingers. I know it won't be long now and that makes me sad!! When a baby starts walking on their own, they're not a baby anymore! I'm not ready for this:(
*Iris has finally started saying "Momma" every once in awhile, though "Dadda" is still her favorite thing to say. When Mike walks out of the room after talking to her, she'll often shout "Dadda!" It is the cutest thing.
*If you ask Miss Iris how old she is, she'll hold up her little pointer finger to show you she is (almost) 1 year old! I love this new trick of hers.

I think that's all for now. I will post some new pictures of her soon. In the meantime, here's some I took a few weeks ago.

(I would like to add that most of the pictures I put on the blog are unedited photos taken with my point-and-shoot. There's enough editing on my plate without adding all the fun photos I take of my kids:) I'm afraid that if I waited to post their pictures until they were edited, I would never update my blog!!