Sunday, September 13, 2009

Waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

I went to my 37 week appointment on Wednesday (4 days ago now!) and found out I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. That evening I started having more frequent contractions than I had been. In fact, for about an hour there, most of them were 5-7 minutes apart. We almost headed to the hospital, but when I got home, they calmed down quite a bit. I have been having contractions since, but nothing as regular as those and nothing painful, just uncomfortable. I have my bags packed and the house clean - now it's just a waiting game! I started reading online and some women will just sit at 3cm for a few weeks! Ahh! I have another appointment tomorrow, so I'm hoping I've continued to progress...fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

keep us posted, jess. cannot wait to hear something...yay for progress