I cannot believe how grown up Jordan seems since I brought Iris home. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. It's true what everyone says...they grow up way too fast! He got his first haircut this weekend. I'm still trying to get used to him without his cute little waves going every which way:( This little guy just melts my heart.
Jordan LOVES his baby sister. All throughout the day he is walking by her saying "Hi baby Iris" or standing by her side with the biggest smile on his face. He must always know where she is and if he can't find her, he'll say "Iris go?" He also loves to be a helper and get diapers for her when she needs changed. Today was the first time he held her and he thought it was the neatest thing! I'm going to love watching the two of them grow up together.
Iris has been such a good baby so far. She rarely cries unless she's hungry. She definitely has her days and nights confused though. Last night she was awake every hour. I'm hoping she'll do a little better tonight. I love to snuggle with her...she's the sweetest thing!
Yesterday (Sept. 20th) at 4:00 a.m. my water broke. We were out the door in about 15 minutes and arrived at U of M hospital around 5:00 a.m. My contractions were coming quick and getting very strong on the drive over. By the time we arrived and they got me into a room, I was having contractions one after another and the pain was unbearable. I knew things were moving extremely fast. They checked my cervix around 5:10 and I was 7cm and 100% effaced. In a matter of about 10 minutes they quickly wheeled my bed into a delivery room, popped my IV in, and I felt the urge to push. The doctor checked my cervix again about 5:20 and quickly yelled to the nurses "We have a baby coming!" I pushed for 10 minutes and Iris Elizabeth was born at 5:35 a.m., weighing 8lbs. 1oz. and measuring just about 20 inches long. We just barely made it to the hospital in time. I can't imagine what my story would be if we would have hit some traffic or construction on the way there! I'm still trying to process everything. It was so fast. There wasn't any time for an epidural or any kind of pain relief for that matter. I never thought I would deliver a baby naturally, but in a case like that, you have no choice. I will say that pain was something I can't even put into words, but what I felt afterwards made every bit of the pain so worth it. This little girl is so precious and such an awesome blessing from God. I'll be posting a lot more pictures throughout the week.
Well, I thought this little girl was coming a week ago...guess I was wrong! I had another doctor's appt. on Monday and I was still 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. I thought for sure that with all the contractions I'd been having, I MUST have progressed. Oh no, not the case. This waiting game is cruel! Of course I wake up every morning wondering if today is the day, so I clean up my house for the five billionth time, make sure my bags are ready to go, and WAIT. Oh well, she'll come when she's ready. Say a prayer for us:)
I went to my 37 week appointment on Wednesday (4 days ago now!) and found out I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. That evening I started having more frequent contractions than I had been. In fact, for about an hour there, most of them were 5-7 minutes apart. We almost headed to the hospital, but when I got home, they calmed down quite a bit. I have been having contractions since, but nothing as regular as those and nothing painful, just uncomfortable. I have my bags packed and the house clean - now it's just a waiting game! I started reading online and some women will just sit at 3cm for a few weeks! Ahh! I have another appointment tomorrow, so I'm hoping I've continued to progress...fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted.