Thursday, February 5, 2009

Excited to announce...

that Baby #2 is on the way!!! Mike and I found out we were pregnant a few weeks ago and told family and friends this week after my first doctor's appointment. I am almost 10 weeks along with an estimated due date of September 3rd. We couldn't be more excited!! I took 4 pregnancy tests (days, even weeks apart from each other) and they all came out negative. I was shocked when I took one final pregnancy test and it was positive. I was actually at Target, in the Target bathroom, when I took the test. I didn't want to wait until I got home, only to get all hyped up for it to say negative once again. So low and behold, in the good ole Target bathroom, my test showed 2 pink lines and with only myself to celebrate with, I began jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. That night I couldn't drive home fast enough to see Mike and Jordan and tell them the news. So, there it is...we will soon be a family of four:) So far I've been feeling pretty good. However, I've been extremely, make that exhausted, and have been so hungry at all times of the day. Mike can attest to this. I just can't seem to eat enough. Well, I will continue to update on my pregnancy and I will definitely try and post some pictures of Jordan soon. Adios friends!


Nicole said...

WOW! Congratulations!!

Allison said...

haha you didn't tell me about the target bathroom! So excited for you and I think of you ALL the time now! hahah:)lucky lucky!

Brademeyer family said...

Congrats! That is so fun!

rebeccavalentine said... didn't tell me about the Target bathroom either. You are too funny. Congratulations you guys. We are so happy for you. More babies...yeah :)

Emilie said...

Oh, thats great news! Congrats!!!

Leslie Collins said...

Jess- I didn't know you were in the Target bathroom when you found out?! THat is priceless. :)