Friday, February 26, 2010

Underwear Model

A few weeks ago we put Jordan in underwear for the first time. We thought we were going to start potty-training him, but that lasted all but 2 hours before we realized we didn't have enough underwear to keep it going. When I'll start again, I'm not sure. I need some motivation in that area! Anyways, Jordan was so cute in his Lightening McQueen undies. These pictures crack me little underwear model:)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5 months old!

Here is Iris just hanging out while I warm up her food.

And here she is in the middle of bites. Must.Have.That.Thumb!

She was introduced to the exersaucer this past weekend and it's her new favorite toy!

At 5 months old, Iris is becoming much more playful. She loves to play with toys or anything she can get her hands on for that matter. And of course EVERYTHING goes into her mouth! She also loves to be on her tummy. I put her down on her back and within a matter of seconds she has rolled over. The exersaucer, bebepod, and jumperoo have become new activities she really enjoys.
Teething is also a new hobby of hers. Although nothing has popped through yet, her gums are white and she's showing every sign of having her first chompers very soon.
Eating rice cereal and bananas has now become a morning ritual, though Miss Iris never seems to be all that interested, so most of it ends up down the drain. I'm going to start her on sweet potatoes in the next few days...maybe she'll find those to be more satisfying!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just another day:)

Cute story: We went to church this past Sunday but decided to only stayed for worship. We thought it would be a good idea to sneak out during prayer so we wouldn't be a distraction. As we were quietly walking out of the sanctuary, Jordan turns around and yells "Bye Jesus!" It was the cutest thing I have ever heard. When we got out the doors, Mike explained to him that we weren't leaving Jesus because He lives in our hearts. I just love that little boy of mine...too cute:)

Monday, February 8, 2010

First taste of food!

Iris had her first taste of rice cereal this weekend. She was so funny...she kept grabbing at the bowl for more. I'm excited for her to try some tastier foods in the coming weeks!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Boy oh boy

I was in the kitchen for a minute while Jordan was playing with Iris. I walked back into the living room to find her like Jordan gets a kick out of making Iris look funny....and we all know, it's only just begun!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Reading to baby sister

Jordan wanted to read Iris a book. It was so cute watching him show her what everything was. Iris LOVES it when Jordan talks to her. He gets her to smile every time!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pretty girl:)

Here she is just moments BEFORE...

Of course she was comforted by her trusty thumb!

And here's the little beauty AFTER! :)

Well after giving it lots of thought for the past few weeks, we went out and had Iris's ears pierced. I think she looks adorable with her little earrings!!